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  • 19 résultat(s)
  1. Le lundi 18 janvier 2021, un agent faisant partie du service de maintenance infrastructure de la Société nationale des chemins de fer luxembourgeois (CFL) a été percuté à Dudelange au p.k.1.6 par un train voyageur reliant Luxembourg à Marseille.....

  2. On 26 September 2019, the Luxembourg‑registered vessel Bourbon Rhode with 14 persons on board sank in the Atlantic Ocean during a transit voyage from Las Palmas to Guyana near the position 16°05.3’ N / 039°43.9’ W (approximately 1600 km west of Cape Verde). Three survivors and the bodies of four deceased crew members were recovered during the search and rescue operations....

  3. The ongoing investigation of the sinking of the vessel Bourbon Rhode on 26 September 2019 in the Atlantic Ocean during a transit voyage from Las Palmas to Guyana has highlighted a safety issue that requires an immediate safety action.

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